You don’t have to by psychic to complete this sentence. The original Derbyshire Spring Market had to be called off due to ….
Yes, it’s almost inevitable that – if you plan a spring event – you’ll end up sending out ‘rescheduled’ notifications as the snow-drifts will be up to your armpits.

One week on from the original date and the weather still wasn’t terribly spring-like. The artisan gourmet van had bravely stuck a couple of deck-chairs outside. How we laughed as a puddle formed around them.
Happily, the atmosphere inside the Derby Roundhouse was totally tropical and – as the event was just before Mother’s Day (March 10th 2018) – it was bedecked with lots of tempting gifts, arty cards and edible treats designed to melt the fussiest maternal heart.

As a mother (self-justification coming up), I felt deserving of a few pre-Mother’s Day treats. It’s only when I came to pay for four little pastries that I realised I’d blown my entire £60 budget in sixteen minutes. That’s got to be a ‘Roundhouse record’.

My personal booty included four Bakewell slices, a cute little bunny wearing a crown and two lapel badges saying ‘I am awesome’. I am not sure I am – but the stall-holders were certainly pleased to see me.
Don’t worry if you missed it; there’s another market on July 1st – weather permitting of course. In the meantime, feast your eyes on spring fresh stalls that you and your mother would love….

Stall one, Letterbox Lane
What your mum will love: Cards, stationery and all-round papery whatnots. I personally love any card which is funny, colourful and cute-as-a-button (ironically, it’s how I describe myself on Tinder).

Stall two; Harry & Frank, vintage and handmade home
What your mum will love; There’s always an excited vibe around this vintage stall. It’s just so ‘cohesive’. I am not trying to be all interior designer-y but it’s the sort of collection you could buy as a job lot; fill your home and live happily ever after. Every last plate, spoon, glass bottle and bucket makes me feel all giddy and younger than springtime.

Stall three: Angelstores – Vintage and Modern
What your mum will love: Bunny bunting was everywhere at the market – it obviously breeds like rabbits. I am not surprised; the ‘bunny’ is just about the cutest of all animals and I say that even though the ones who visit my garden have eaten all the primulas. The stall-holder, Kiki Hodgson, is one of the people I follow on Instagram. I may even have a little insta-crush. Pleased to say every last item was beautiful in reality. Love the tin stars, the handmade cushions and, as for the the oak carved animals, they made me feel weak at the knees.

Stall four: Carolyn Clare sterling silver jewellery
What your mum will love: Delicate, cleverly-constructed jewellery which appealed because I am not one of those funky women who wear smocks and necklaces made from girders.
The real buzz – sorry about the pun – was around the bee-shaped ear rings. Just thing for your mummy or honey (again, I can only apologise for myself).
Stall five; Darwin & Gray
What your mum will love: In my dreams I have the owner (the delightful Stacey Gray) following me round and holding up a cute calligraphy sign every time I want something.
“Large wine please”
“Cake – now”
“You’ve gotta be kidding – right???”
Love the fact there is a ‘saying’ on a pillow which just about covers every occasion and these wall banners and cushions will grace any room. Or just stick ‘you look good’ above the mirror. I mean, it’s not vain if you didn’t write it….

Stall six: Florence & Bow
What your mum will love: Any mum worth her salt will chain herself to this stall and refuse to budge until her off-spring part with serious cash. I mean – hand-poured candles, pottery, hand creams, home wares and all washed down with lashings of good taste and humour?
Small wonder Florence & Bow’s letterbox signs appeared on so many Instagram accounts the last time they appeared at the Roundhouse market. I personally want to ring them on one of their trademark lemon yellow phones and tell them how perfectly turned out they are….

Stall seven; Amanda Hamilton Interior Design
From her trademark bespoke deck-chairs to the cute peg-bundles – everything on Amanda Hamilton’s stall is perfectly pitched. Amanda has an eye for how to style and buying a few trinkets from her stall will instantly ‘up-scale’ your casa. Mum will love it almost as much as you – or you could simply not tell her and bag the goodies for yourself.

Stall eight: The Thomas Coles
What your mum will love: Every mum I know loves candles – it goes with the territory. Just as much as ‘dads’ cannot understand them’ other than as handy things to have in the ‘junk’ drawer in case of a powercut.
I give special kudos to a business which calls itself The Thomas Coles – as though there is a pretender in the market giving out cheap replica candles smelling of plain crisps and Tizer. Reminds me of an estate agent I knew who turned up on the my doorstep and announced that he was Mr XXX ‘himself’. But, Mr Coles, I will allow you the vanity. The candles are magnificent.

Stall nine: Acorn & Pip
What your mum will love: Yes, I know this stall is aimed at youngster and babes but there is thing called ‘kidults’. A kidult is – I know as I am one – an adult who likes toys, especially cute miniatures and dolls. It might be something to do with getting old but I thought I’d be buying sophisticated scents and designer clothes at 53.
I am more into teddies…
Second childhood mums will also love this colourful collection.

Stall ten: Bowbeaus
What your mum will love: It was almost impossible to get near this whimsical stall. It was lined with three generations – grand mums, mum and daughters all buying little woodland animal figurines beautifully decorated with little crowns and garlands.
The bespoke hair grips and wands were also items to argue over – I almost had to break up two ‘girls’ fighting over a panda. The ‘girls’ being an adult mum and her elderly mum.

Stall eleven: Nineteen
What you mum will love: Sarah Padley is not just the ‘badge lady’ – although her badges are very cute. Nineteen also specialise in solid, chunky works of wooden art. Sarah designs the items and hubby makes them – and they can all be personalised. I bought a couple of placeholders. It’s not to throw the world’s smallest dinner party but – as I explained to a patient Sarah – I have a printer’s block tray that I wish to fill with small cute things (put your applications in the post).

Stall twelve: Lotta’s House
What your mum will love: Everything.
Again, the emphasis on this stall is ‘nursery’ chic but you don’t have to be eighteen months old to appreciate the craft, design and work talent poured into every little item. Lotta, lotta love for Charlotte’s handmade clouds, the rainbows and the little rabbits (told you I had a thing).

Stall Thirteen; Joy Interiors
What your mum will love: If I say ‘bunnies’ again – will you hate me? It’s just that they appeared as a decorative feature on many of Joy Interior’s items including lamp shades and cushions. If you truly have had enough of my funny bunny obsession – feast your eyes on the lavender hearts. Alternatively, I was very taken with the vintage textile and calligraphy labels….just the thing to put round your wooden bunny gift, oops.

Stall fourteen; The Chicken Shed
What your mum will love; You are on very safe ground here as mums were clustered around this stall like, well, hungry hens. They were very taken with the faux flowers, signs and small wooden furniture items. If your mum doesn’t get chance to get a few treasures under her wing then you take her to the IRL (in real life!) shop in Wirksworth, Derbyshire.
PS: they also sell decorative rabbits…
The Summer Home, Food & Gift Market takes place on Sunday July 1st at The Roundhouse in Derby. For details, click on the link.
If your stall was not featured then I am sorry, I tried to hop round to everyone but it just wasn’t possible to do the 100. Some of my favourites – Cachepot (see left) – were just too busy and I couldn’t push my camera into the crowds.
There’s always next time….