The post-Christmas holiday getaway is a cheeky one. There’s no money in the pot for new clothes because we’ve been filling our own pots with rich food from Waitrose for the past three weeks. Factor in the presents, free range turkey, and a Christmas tree which seemed to cost the gross GDP of Norway and our savings have take more of a hammering than the inside of my skull today (New Year’s Day).

Last time I bought some holidays clothes from eBay, my friends threatened to impound my credit card. The only decent item I bagged was a beautiful White Company maxi dress (well, I say maxi dress but it was more of a mini dress with a glue lining by the time I’d taken up the hem with ‘easy to apply’ Wonder web).

They say every day is a learning day and I distilled some crucial facts about how to buy from eBay without losing your shirt on a designer garment which turns out to Primarni’s finest.
Quite simply you must;-
- Ask for measurements – bust, waist, inside leg in addition to arm to belly button, eye to hairline etc. Clothes sizing is a funny thing. I’ve heard you can fit three Zara size 16 women in one size 14 at M&S.
- Buy on brand – some of the most disappointing buys I made last year didn’t even have a brand – not even Tesco’s F&F. Research the brands carefully as high store discount stores often have fancy sounding aliases. Don’t get your ‘Atmosphere’ (Primark) wires crossed with your ‘Autograph’ (M&S).
- Check the retail price. Another mistake I made was not visiting the store websites…in some cases the items I bought on-line were in the sale and cost less than the eBay ‘bargain’ price.
- The other reason to buy branded good is in anticipation of a possible re-sale. Last year, I did buy a beautiful H&M sun-dress but it was just a little bit too tight even with the use of grease and a shoe-horn. Remarkably, the dress had become an Instagram favourite and I made £15 on my re-sale. Sticks to brands everyone knows and loves – White Company/Next/Joules – and you’ll not lose out on the odd oddment.
Four weeks ago, with no pounds or pennies to spare. I began to trawl eBay once more. Add to that, I visited TK Maxx (another minefield) and have – I think – a perfectly respectable winter holiday wardrobe. Here’s my latest haul;-
What; Papaya dress from eBay
Costs £10, £2.90 postage
Worth it? Well, here’s an example of a common mistake made by eBayers. Papaya sounds like an exotic, hippy chic boutique you’d find on Bond Street. It’s actually as tropical as tinned pears. Papaya is a brand name for Matalan and dress like this ‘bird’ print cost £16. But, they don’t have this style in store and, if I went to town, I would have to pay for parking and mingle with people.
So, yes…very worth it. Love it.
What: LK Bennett pink wrap dress
Cost; £29.99, £3.40 postage
Worth it? Even at sale prices – half price – John Lewis list LK Bennett wrap-dresses at £125. I have not had time to try this on before my holiday and I am quite alarmed by how the ‘boob’ keeps popping out on my dummy. Let’s hope I don’t have a similar malfunction reaching for the griddled bacon in Lanzarote. But at that price – I’ll feel like flaunting myself all over the shop.
What; Gap sun top from eBay
Cost; £6.00, £2 postage
Worth it? Goodness yes. This little yellow number became a Instagram hit last summer. Here’s a thing. I searched for it on eBay and couldn’t believe my luck when I found one in my size AND brand new. There’s nothing like paying £6 for something still bearing it’s £32 label. I almost can’t bear to take the tag off….
What? A Kenneth Cole sweatshirt from TK Maxx
Cost; £29.99
Worth it? No. It took almost a quarter of my budget. Moreover, I am never quite sure how TK Maxx price their goods because every thing is something ’99 – £12.99, £16.99 and £24.99. I am sure there are laws to regulate such things – and TK Maxx clearly observe these regulations – but I prefer to imagine a middle-aged woman and a spotty faced youth in the warehouse going through boxes of clothes saying ‘I am not resetting the pricing gun again Glenda.’
Phew – just checked and Kenneth Cole sweatshirts retails for $85. Don’t tell me that’s £29.99 in sterling as I am NOT listening.
What? Spangly evening dress from eBay
Cost £5.50, £3.50 postage
Worth it? Again, I just counselled you on the inadvisability of buying anything on eBay sold ‘without tags’. I mean – who made it? Cinderella’s fairies or someone fashioning their first dress from a Women’s Weekly pattern and a tea towel. I took a chance with this dress because I am going to a hotel with a very nice private restaurant and flabby bottomed joggers just won’t cut it.
However. The dress did have a label. It’s one of F&F’s finest and its currently on sale for £8. See, there’s always a reason why some internet seller’s are a little shy of giving you too much information. Yes, I think the mathematical geniuses among you will realise I am down in the deal.
It also sheds spangles like a Strictly Come Dancing celebrity at the after show party.
What? M&S jeans from eBay
Cost; £9, £2.90 postage
Worth it? Yes, not least because buying a new pair of white denims (I have just had to bin my old ones) on eBay is so much sweeter when the £39.50 tag is still attached. They also fit like a dream.
Now, I realise M&S jeans aren’t cutting edge when it comes to style but it’s nice to have a least one pair of jeans which doesn’t show the crest of the moon every time I bend down to tie the laces on my Asda plimsolls.
What? French Connection top from TK Maxx
Cost; £16.99
Worth it? Miraculously, I managed to stumble upon another £16.99 top in TK Maxx. However, I wasn’t going to quibble about the price as the quality of the cotton was very good and the neck-line is just perfect.
So why am I not smiling? Well, I have just seen the same top for sale on ASOS for £16. Please, please, please – take TK Maxx’s claims to have big brands with ‘small’ prices with large pinch of salt. You could find them cheaper elsewhere…if you have i-phone…have a quick check.
What? Simply Be jeans from eBay
Cost £5, £2.90 postage
Worth it? You are being treated to a rare sight of the Jolly Volley pins to prove a point about boot cut jeans. Bell bottoms may be the most ridiculous thing to come out of the British navy and yet….they are SO very flattering to a plus-size figure.
These are made by a company specialising in so-called curvy girls clothes and they are designed to make you look incredibly svelte.
Which begs the question – why am I sticking them back on eBay? Well, despite my very best efforts to suck myself in, I cannot do up the top button and those boot-cuts are just a little bit long (I have a terrible track record with taking up hems – see above).
What difference a year makes. Those of you who remember my last foray into internet/thrift store shopping will no doubt recall my many mistakes. You live and learn and I am able to negotiate the tricky path of buying ‘bargains’ with a little bit more success.
Okay, so I am still making school girl errors but I am pleased to say most of the things I have bought for my holiday are actually coming with me instead of going straight into the Air Ambulance bag.
Which is, as they say, a result.